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ASHTANGA YOGA AARAU (english/german)

Good evening everybody! Now back in December of 2017 I was ask by Melinda who's one of the owners of Ashtanga Yoga Aarau if I wanted to try out their yoga classes - and this is exactly what I did. Melinda has started practicing yoga about fourteen years ago - and that way she also met her now husband Patrick who's also teaching some of the available yoga classes. About nine years ago she saw that there was a Ashtanga Yoga workshop available in Aarau, hosted by two people from Vienna  and from that moment on she was hooked on this style of yoga. But sadly at this time Ashtanga Yoga wasn't that widely spread throughout Switzerland and most of the time only available in bigger cities. As an English-Student she went for four months to Melbourne and was really excited about the fact that Ashtanga Yoga  classes were constantly available - that's why she was practicing it overseas super frequently. Back in November 2014 Melinda and Patrick opened up their first Ashtanga...

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