H A P P Y  W E D N E S D A Y  you guys! Today I just wanted to share with you a mini Erin Condren haul since the order that I made about two weeks ago came in yesterday! It's not much but I'm super pumped that I got those stickers to put in my planner!
Like when I ordered the LifePlanner about a month ago also this order came in a really cool box that I'm definitely gonna reuse! As you can tell I got five sticker sets - but I only got 2 different designs since I liked those two the most and I thought they would go really well with my LifePlanner! I really like the fact that I can mark important dates with these stickers without using another pen or marker since I don't really like that kinda look in my planner - I feel like it gets really messy! 
The sticker books do have 574 each in them which I didn't realized when I ordered them so now I have a life time supply of stickers but that's fine with me! The other sticker packs have five sheets in them with 150 stickers in total! I actually think that you do really get a lot for your money since those stickers aren't just ordinary stickers! They are really beautifully made and are just really pretty! I've also seen a lot of people ordering those type of stickers on Etsy.com so maybe I'm gonna hope on there as well to check it out but at the moment I'm really happy with what I've chosen and with what I've got for my money!

E R I N  C O N D R E N  STICKER BOOK in Classic Edition 3 ($15)

I hope you guys enjoyed my mini haul! There's gonna be soon a first review on my LifePlanner by Erin Condren that I've just started using but I'm already loving it! Also let me know if you guys enjoy planning as much as I do in the comment section down below!
- xoxo Sara


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