Good evening everybody! Tonight I'm finally back with another 'Empties and Reviews' blogpost - I think my last one went up back in October or something like that. Now obviously these aren't all the products that I've used up over the last couple of months but for this post I decided to go with less products but with more in depth reviews - so let's jump right into todays blogpost guys!

The other hair product that I've used up tis the CATWALK by TIGI Fashionista Violet Mask for Blondes and Highlights. If I'm not mistaken I repurchased this hair mask two times. Now the consistency of this one is like a thick balm - not like the Garnier one which is really creamy. Now it's a good hair mask but it's quite expensive in my opinion. I also came to the realization that these violet hair masks that I've tried so far don't really help with keeping your hair icy blonde. I find that using purple shampoos is way more effective - I think with the Fudge Violet Toning Shampoo I could get my hair completely purple it's that intense. But since I find all these purple shampoo really drying I prefer to follow with a moisturizing conditioner as well as a moisturizing hair mask - like the Garnier or the L'Oréal one. This is why I probably won't be repurchasing this one again.
Now onto my favorite skincare item of 2017: The Liquid Gold with Glycolic Acid by Alpha-H. This is probably the only skincare item that I really feel like working - not that my other skincare items aren't working or aren't great 'cause they really are. But with this item you're immediately feeling it start working once you've applied it onto your skin. I already know that I'm gonna get another bottle of this for my birthday in March - really grateful for that. It's kinda pricy but I think there's skincare stuff out that doesn't perform as great as this one does but it's way more expensive. I'd definitely say that this product is worth every single penny. Now a little tip: I like to get this one on cultbeauty.com since it's quite less expensive than on other websites that I found it - sometimes if it's not sold out there's even a supersize version (200ml) available for 46£ and the 100ml version for about 33£. Since you get free shipping when you order for over 40£ (but you gotta keep in mind that you gotta pay some extra money once you've spent more than 70 CHF or something like that). But I think that you can make a really great deal by ordering it on cultbeauty.com. This product is excellent and I highly recommend checking it out if you enjoy using and trying out different skincare products.
Since we've been talking about a face product I'd like to continue with that and quickly talk about the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara which I've repurchased two times so far - and I'm probably gonna get another one within the next couple of weeks since it's such a big favorite of mine but there's another one that I'm currently using and really loving as well. If you've got the extra money to spend on a mascara then I'd highly recommend the Better Than Sex one since it's super volumizing and just makes your lashes look bomb. If you don't wanna spend that money then I'd recommend checking out the new TotalTemptation Mascara by Maybelline that I've been using and loving since the end of December.
The last product that I've used up was really hyped and popular last summer and there were a bunch of YouTubers talking about it: The Brazilian Bum Bum Cream by Sol de Janeiro. I only went with the small size since I didn't wanna spend that much money since I didn't know if it really does what it claims to do. Now personally I don't think that it really helps with cellulite at all but the scent that it has is divine - and that's probably why I wanna get the full size version of it for summer. The scent is really so amazingly good - it's kinda deep and fresh at the same time and like a really yummy dessert. There are actually quite a lot of reviews out there that describe it as the best-smelling body cream in the word and I'd say it definitely is one of the best-smelling ones!
Thank you guys so much for checking out today's blogpost and I really hope that you found it interesting. This one was definitely a quite long one which personally I don't mind writing since I really do enjoy writing in english - and I really hope that you don't mind reading long ones! There's hopefully gonna be another 'Empties and Reviews' one really soon and many other blogposts to come! I wish you all a great evening/day wherever you are in this world!
- xoxo Sara
*You guys might be thinking how I can be on another jar of this mask when I've just started using a L'Oréal hair mask last week. The reason is that I'm living at home half of the week and the other half at my boyfriends apartment. So I'm currently using the Garnier one at my boyfriends and the L'Oréal one back home. That's why I get to use different products quite a lot and that's also why I can compare different products - like e.g. hair masks pretty easily.
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