Good evening friends! Now besides the products that we were gifted at the Clinique Even Better Glow Event, I also purchased something myself: The Clinique Redness Solution - which is a instant relief mineral pressed powder with probiotic technology which helps to reduce the redness on your face. In this blogpost I just wanna tell you guys a little bit about my thoughts on this product, so here we go!
If someone would have just told me that there's this powder that you can apply to your face before even putting on foundation and that it'll help to reduce the redness on your cheeks and around your nose then I wouldn't have believed it. But actually the MUA at the make up counter just randomly showed me this product and applied it to my face (just on one side at first) - and I gotta say that I was already sold on that one!
You can actually just wear this powder on its own to reduce the redness and it definitely works. Now this product says to reduce the redness even more over time since this isn't just a quick fix. That's why - even if I don't wear make up - I try to put this powder on most days. Since I only got it a few days ago I can't really tell if it actually helps to reduce the redness on my cheeks, around my nose and on my chin but as off now: As a quick fix it definitely works! I'll definitely keep you guys posted on this powder and once I've noticed that my redness really has gone down I'll tell you about that.

As always thank you guys so much for checking out todays blogpost! Definitely let me know if you already know this product or if you suffer from redness as well as I am! I'd definitely recommend this to anyone out there that wants to reduce some of the redness on the face!
- xoxo Sara
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