REVIEW: TIGI BED HEAD Dumb Blonde Toning Protection Spray

H A P P Y  W E D N E S D A Y  you beautiful people out there! I hope that all my Swiss people had an amazing August 1st yesterday - celebrating our country with friends and family! Today I'm back with another little review about a new hair product that I recently picked up for my bleached hair! It's from the Dumb Blonde range by Bed Head by TIGI like the conditioner that I've shown you about a week ago - and I've been really enjoying it so far! This time it's the Toning Protection Spray!
It is said to be a 'cocktail of repair actives and cool conditioners' that helps to protect your hair against heat plus it fights brassiness since it's actually a violet toner in a spray bottle. It's also said to restore brightness to blonde hair. After you've washed your hair your gonna spray it into your damp hair and let it air-dry - as I do to about 80% - or blow-dry. I really feel like that you can tell that this product does something for the color tone of my blonde hair - the blonde gets more of a cool toned vibe! At least to me it seems that my hair has gotten much lighter, brighter and cool toned than it was right after the hair dresser - this shows that with these kind of product you can really play around with your hair color and change it to your personal desire!
( CHF 26.25)

Hopefully this blogpost was interesting to some of you guys out there! I've been really enjoying this hair product and I've been using it every time I'd washed my hair. There's gonna be a new series starting on Saturday on my blog - there has already been a little hint on my IG Stories - so definitely stay tuned for that next blogpost! Have a great evening and thank you so much for checking in on this mini review!
- xoxo Sara


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