H A P P Y W E D N E S D A Y you guys! I'm finally back with a new blogpost and hopefully there are many more to come over the next few days - but first I'd like to give another little update since some really cool things have happened over the last couple of days! As some of you guys may have seen in my InstaStory (@thrusaraseyes) we played at the Open Air Plage Salavaux this past weekend which was pretty epic since the location was just right by the lake and it was just amazing! Another pretty cool thing that happened to me on the weekend was that I got invited to the Sephora Opening at Manor in Aarau. This is actually the first event that I get invited to which is really cool and I'm already excited to get a behind the scenes look - and of course it's amazing to have a Sephora right in your hometown! But enough about that let's get on with today's blogpost which is a little room tour since I really like how it turned out over the last year with changing up pretty much everything!
As you can tell I decided to go with a pretty clean an white look in my room with a few pops of color. White walls are a must for my since having colorful walls would seem to me kinda hectic and not calming. I'd rather put up some prints on the wall like behind my really comfy IKEA wing chair that I've just gotten a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it. The mirror next to the chair is actually from my mum and I don't really know where she got it - but it's pretty old I'd say. I just like this little corner in my room to chill out and to put on my little aromatherapy diffuser on the little side table.
Another place that I really like is my little make up vanity where I put all my beauty products that I like to use on an (almost) daily basis and also stuff like perfume - I really like those Victoria's Secret body sprays and I always buy some more when I'm over in the States) and deodorant. It also has a little drawer where I keep some more make up things like an eyeshadow palette and some more single eyeshadows that I don't gravitate to every single day. The mirror on my little make up table is brand new and it lightens up which is pretty amazing and it was also pretty inexpensive as well which is always a plus.
I got this really cool dresser from IKEA which probably many of you guys have seen before or even got at home. It's just really practical to store things like back-up products. As you can tell I got a lot of sheet masks - in July I just bought a bunch of them since I love them so much and I still haven't used them up. I just like to have back ups of products that I really like and since I don't always have time to get out and buy stuff it's really nice to know that I have everything that I need in my little dresser. I also really enjoy the fact that it fits perfectly into this space between my two windows.

Definitely let me know if you have any questions about anything that you see in the pictures! I gotta say that I'm really happy with my room at this moment and I wouldn't change anything. I also wanna mention that I haven't really cleaned up my room or changed anything up to make it look prettier - this is just the way it looks if you'd step into my room! There's definitely gonna be a blogpost about the Sephora event on Thursday - which I'm already super excited to go to! Thanks for checking out this one - I'm off now to record a new song with the band tonight!
- xoxo Sara
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